Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain from the 29th of April 2021.

Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain from the 29th of April ’21
It has of course been a while since large scale exhibitions have been possible so we are happy to announce that one is runing now. The Museu Maritim de Barcelona is hosting from the 29th of April 2021.
Please be aware that there are still COVID measures that apply so please check the website before planning a visit : Measures Covid19.
More info : Visitor information.
The Museu Marítim is to host travelling exhibitions of work by some of the most important figures in the history of art. The displays are the result of a deal signed by the Drassanes Reials consortium and the exhibition organiser and promotor Arthemisia-Evolucionarte, with the goal of attracting cultural visits to the city.
The displays will be housed in the large hall at the Museu Marítim de Barcelona, which offers over 1,700 m2 of exhibition space.
The first exhibition, ‘Escher’, opens on 29 April and offers a retrospective of the Dutch artist Maurits Cornelis Escher. The display features over 200 works by the visionary maestro of impossible worlds, creator of impressive optical illusions.
L’exposició presenta les obres de Maurits Cornelis Escher, un dels artistes gràfics més famosos del món.
Amb més de 200 obres originals, l’exposició ofereix una retrospectiva dels enigmàtics esbossos i els paradoxals dissenys d’aquest autor, començant pels seus primers gravats i dibuixos realistes inspirats en la natura i el paisatge d’Itàlia. L’exposició explora més a fons l’obra de M. C. Escher entorn de la tessel·lació i de la transformació de figures que il·lustren com la metamorfosi es va convertir en un element únic del seu art, combinant fantasia i geometria. En desenvolupar la seva investigació matemàtica, Escher va crear imatges inesgotables, executades amb un detallisme i una precisió del tot excepcionals, i en les seves obres mestres més famoses va arribar a la representació de l’infinit.
Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) is one of the world’s most famous graphic artists. His art is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world, as can be seen on the many web sites on the internet. He is most famous for his so-called impossible constructions, such as Ascending and Descending, Relativity, his Transformation Prints, such as Metamorphosis I, Metamorphosis II and Metamorphosis III, Sky & Water I or Reptiles. But he also made some wonderful, more realistic work during the time he lived and traveled in Italy.