Movie — 1:47 Min

Stephen Fry narrating the new Escher movie


Movie — 1:47 Min


Stephen Fry narrating the new Escher movie






Stephen Fry narrating the new M.C. Escher movie in a studio in London



Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) is one of the world’s most famous graphic artists. His art is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world, as can be seen on the many web sites on the internet. He is most famous for his so-called impossible constructions, such as Ascending and Descending, Relativity, his Transformation Prints, such as Metamorphosis I, Metamorphosis II and Metamorphosis III, Sky & Water I or Reptiles. But he also made some wonderful, more realistic work during the time he lived and traveled in Italy.